Christoph Seyferth

Dutch designer Christoph Seyferth has been surrounded by creative work all his life. Both his parents are craftsmen and have their own design studio at home. Christoph studied at an art academy and has worked in many different design fields. At the beginning of his practice he worked as an assistant for the famous Czech designer Bořek Šípek. He recalls this period of his life by saying "We worked day and night, ate and cooked together and I was often sent abroad to arrange things at well-known companies like Vitra or manufacturers in Asia. It was an exciting and formative period."He then set up his own studio at the age of twenty-five and soon created several projects because he was eager to experiment. He creates interiors, exhibition design, applied art, industrial design, and is a teacher at an architectural university.

His designs, especially household products, are human, intuitive and functional - they are objects for everyday use. The most important thing for him is to find a balance between "head and hands". His products are based on good ideas and craftsmanship.

Christoph Seyferth

Christoph Seyferth