Edoardo Gherardi
Edoardo Gherardi was born in Treviso in 1973 and studied architecture with honours in Venice. In 2000, he began to work feverishly in the field of design and architecture, having fallen in love with these fields thanks to their diversity. He has worked in many fields, from urban design to interior, product and marine design. His multiple successes have earned him the commission to design the new Ascom Comfcommercio building in Oderz, among other things, he is a double winner of the third Young&design award, thanks to his design of the Zenitlab kitchen for Euromobil and the Una chair for Désirée. He founded his company called Gherardiarchitetti in 2000 in Treviso. In the last decade, he has followed the artistic direction of major exhibitions in Italy and has participated in many projects abroad, including Switzerland, Luxembourg and Qatar. Since 2021 he has been the artistic director of Varaschin.