EP Studio

EP Studio was founded in 1987, when it began to create and develop products for the furniture industry and items for home, office and garden furnishings. The studio is constantly evolving and working with the latest trends such as 3D printers and virtual model making. In its projects, it uses the latest materials and state-of-the-art technologies to create an innovative product every time. He devotes himself to each of his projects from the initial idea to its realization. The focus is always on respecting ergonomics, user comfort, analysis of functional and structural aspects, technological innovation, research and experimentation with new materials. Today EP Studio works with many companies in the furniture sector. Over the years, it has received various international awards: the Young&Design, Premio Catas, Top Ten, Wood Casual Furniture, Interior Innovation Award and Red Dot Design Award.

The owners and founders are brothers Edi and Paolo Ciani - two product and interior designers who have been involved in furniture accessories and interior design for more than 30 years. They both received a diploma in technical furniture design. They founded EP Studio in 1992.

EP Studio

EP Studio