Laura Pessoni

Laura Pessoni lives and works in Milan as a product, lighting and interior designer. She was born in 1983 and graduated in Industrial Design from Politecnico di Milano in 2008. There she first studied the human factor in detail and then specialized in product and lighting design. In the same year she started a collaboration, which continues to this day, with Studio de Bevilacqua, specialising in interior and lighting design, and with Artemide and Danese as product and lighting designer (she created the Tye and Ephemeris collections for Artemide and the Xiao tet range for Danese).

In her projects, she draws inspiration from the constant dialogue between the values of perception and design, such as the centrality of the human being, their perception of the product in relation to the surrounding space and the importance of gestures in its use on the one hand, and a critical approach to production technologies and sustainability values on the other. Furthermore, her work is based on critical and conceptual design efforts that draw inspiration from technological innovation.

Laura Pessoni

Laura Pessoni

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Hanging lamp SILENT FIELD 2.0Hanging lamp SILENT FIELD 2.0