Roberto Giacomucci
Roberto Giacomucci uses the know-how he acquired as a student to manage spaces, techniques and materials. It is essential for him to know every aspect of the material to be shaped and to follow its transformation step by step. In this way he creates a unique relationship with the object, giving it a new meaning while respecting the demands of the materials that make it up. He is the artistic director of companies in which he likes to improve the mood, and applies strategic/communication skills to encourage a wide and democratic dissemination of proposals. Over the years, he has won numerous awards, including the Good Design Award in the Furniture category for Piega-Kubedesign (2011) and for Ninfea-F.lli Guzzini (2009), the iF Award for Ball Shake-Magppie (2009) and has been selected several times for the ADI INDEX competition.