Simone Micheli
Simone Micheli with Roberta Colla created the design company Simone Micheli Architectural Hero with offices in Florence, Milan, Puntaldea, Dubai, Rabat and Busan. His professional activities range from architecture to interior design, from design to graphics, communication to event organization. He prides himself on his creations being sustainable and environmentally friendly, and characterized by a strong identity and uniqueness. He is a professor at the Scuola Politecnica di Design in Milan.
In collaboration with Roberto Colla and his team of experts, he organizes conferences, workshops and lectures at universities and institutions in many cities around the world. His works have been featured in the most important international exhibitions and in Italian and international newspapers, magazines and periodicals. Simone Micheli has had a number of successful projects, both in design and architecture, which have annually occupied the podium of well-known design competitions. She has also created design furniture for companies such as Adrenalina, Myyour and Scab.