Valentina Battocchio

Valentina Battocchio is a designer who was born in 1984 in Vicenza, Italy. She graduated from the school in 2003 with a diploma specialising in scientific subjects. She then studied industrial design at IUAV University, where she honed her skills in furniture and product design. During her studies, she gained experience in architectural and urban planning and interior design, for example by collaborating with the cities of Codroipo in the rehabilitation of WWII buildings and Monfalcone in the planning of the city's new waterfront.

Her work is characterised by clean lines, minimalist aesthetics and attention to detail. She is particularly interested in designing products that are both functional and aesthetic, and often incorporates sustainable materials and manufacturing practices into her designs. She has won several major awards and honors for her work, including the Red Dot Design Award and the A'Design Award. Her work has also been featured in numerous design exhibitions and publications around the world.

Valentina Battocchio

Valentina Battocchio