Vittorio Livi

Vittorio Livi's great passion has been with him all his life: glass, around which all his work revolves. The first company he founded dedicated to glass was "Fullet" for the production of decorated glasses for the furniture industry. Many others followed: Artiglass, Curvovetro, Cromoglass, Vellutart. In 1973, when he founded all these companies, he also founded Fiam Italia, the first company capable of producing bent glass products, with which most of the well-known international designers still work. Fiam Italia is a world leader in its field, distributing its own collection worldwide and its products are hosted by 25 international museums.

Vittorio has continued to establish, reorganize and buy for years to come. In 1992 he bought Villa Miralfiore, a historic building in Pesaro. He used a part of it as a museum to house the glass works he produced himself in collaboration with some artists such as Arnaldo Pomodoro, Umberto Mariani, Bruno Munari and others.

Vittorio Livi

Vittorio Livi

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