Barber Osgerby

Under this name are British designers Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby. They founded an industrial design studio in London in 1996. Barber Osgerby have a multi-disciplinary portfolio - encompassing furniture, lighting and product design as well as art and architectural major projects. Both Britons are members of the Royal Designers of Industry (RDI) and are recipients of the Jerwood Arts and Crafts Award.

Both lecture at international universities and are involved in major projects. Past projects have included the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Design Museum in London and the Art Institute of Chicago. Some of their notable products include Tip Ton chairs, torches at the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, and two-pound coins commemorating the 150th anniversary of the London Underground. Barber and Osgerby are also the founders of Universal Design Studio, an architecture and interior design firm.

Barber Osgerby

Barber Osgerby

TAB TABLE table lampTAB TABLE table lamp

TAB TABLE table lamp

Floor lamp BELLHOPFloor lamp BELLHOP

Floor lamp BELLHOP

FLOS1 014,1 EUR