Ernesto Lechthaler

Ernesto Lechthaler started his professional career as a consultant in the bar and beverage industry for the premium hotel sector. He has been extremely successful in his activities and has gathered a wealth of international experience in the field of beverage culture. Today, he draws on this life stage to work with the world's leading architects and interior designers to develop and redesign bar, lounge and café concepts.

Lechthaler's intuition, vision and passion for the industry are irreplaceable. His work never underestimates the time dedicated to meticulous planning of the overall interior design concept and accompanying services. Logistics are always optimized for maximum project efficiency. Lechthaler also fundamentally looks at the future operation of the company from the perspective of the staff. This allows him to come up with functional ideas, with the design itself coming as a second plan. This is the only way, Lechthaler says, to ensure that the psychological and behavioural aspects of the guests in the establishment receive adequate attention from the staff. Despite its busy schedule, Ernesto continues to provide consultancy services to its existing restaurant and bar clients, ensuring they make the necessary renovations and reorganisations to maximise their profits.

Ernesto Lechthaler

Ernesto Lechthaler

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