Maarten de Ceulaer

Belgian designer Marten de Ceulaer bases his work on playfulness and poetry. The products tell a story that is meant to stir people's emotions and imagination. New materials, innovative techniques and processes, and attention to detail all push the boundaries of his work, which, in addition to its unconventional design, does not lack functionality. Born in 1883, his journey to design began at the St. Luka Hogeschool in Brussels, where he studied interior design. He then studied Industrial Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven. His passion for travelling led him to a breakthrough piece called "Pile of Suitcases". This was immediately loved by Nina Yashar, founder of the Milan-based gallery Nilufar, and started a long-term collaboration. Marten de Ceulaer has received several nominations and design awards for young talents. The Belgian Young Talent Award 2007 and The Henry van de Velde Award for Young Talent 2013 are among the most important. His works have been exhibited at numerous exhibitions and festivals and are in public and private collections. He has worked with brands such as Fendi, Casamania and Vibia.

Maarten de Ceulaer

Maarten de Ceulaer

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VALISES cabinet