Pablo Gironés

Pablo Girones was born in Ontinyent (Valencia) in 1968. He studied architecture and economics at the Universities of Valencia.
In 1996, together with architect Ramón Esteve , he founded Babia MOBLES, a company specialized in the design and production of modern furniture. In 2000 the company was sold to Gandia Blasco SA. Since then Pablo Girones has been part of the management team of Gandia Blasco as Marketing and Product Director. Pablo Gironés is responsible for the company's image, creative and products, including catalogues and product strategy.

He has worked on numerous projects, car shows, and presents Gandia Blasco worldwide: NYC, Belgium, Portugal, Holland, Spain, etc. Since December 2011, he has been the artistic director of Punt MOBLES, part of the Zriser investment group, and also collaborates with several companies from different sectors in the definition of their product strategies. Pablo Gironés has been involved inGironés is also involved in teaching, teaching several courses related to design management and strategy at CEU San Pablo University and at the Escola Superior de D'Arti Disseny de Valencia (School of Art and Design), EASD.

Pablo Gironés

Pablo Gironés

Planter SAHARAPlanter SAHARA

Planter SAHARA

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Systemtronic551,8 EUR
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LIT freestanding vertical panel

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Wall panel MODULOR

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Wall hanger SECOND TREE

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